nuclear quality assurance

nuclear quality assurance            



REEDY ENGINEERING maintains a Quality Assurance (QA) program which complies with the requirements of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 50 (10CFR50) Appendix B, ASME NQA-1, and ANSI N45.2. This web page provides the latest information on the status of the REEDY ENGINEERING Nuclear QA Program to facilitate utility review of REEDY ENGINEERING's QA Program.

The current revision of the REEDY ENGINEERING Quality Assurance Manual is Revision 5, dated which was issued on August 10, 2010.

NUPIC has performed the following audits of REEDY ENGINEERING:

  • October 5-8, 2009
    NUPIC Audit 20326
    Exelon Audit SR-2009-027
    Paul J. Macuiba - Exelon (630-657-3668)
  • April 16-18, 2007
    NUPIC Joint Audit CQA2007-011
    J. Byron Lowery - SNOC (205-992-5000)
  • July 13-15, 2004
    NUPIC Joint Audit 08.03.RRACA.04.1
    Ray Namit - FPL (561-694-4298)
  • June 3-7, 2002
    NUPIC Joint Audit SA02-002
    Randy Dortch - Entergy (601-368-5344)
  • May 2-3, 2000
    NUPIC Joint Audit 17456
    Brian Mervak - SCE&G (803-345-4319)
  • March 10-11, 1997
    NUPIC Audit AR-98-REEDY-01
    T. Chowdhary - FirstEnergy (419-249-2478)

REEDY ENGINEERING QA Manager - Rick Swayne


nuclear quality assurance

nuclear quality assurance